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10 tips to Maximize Your Founder Coaching

how to prepare

March 11, 2024

You don't need another meeting on your calendar. You need results, and you need them fast. You’re here because you’re ready to invest in your growth and your business — and you want to make sure every session delivers impact.

That’s why I’ve put together this guide. Whether you’re working with me or another strategic coach at Let’s Make Great!, these tips are designed to help you prepare effectively for each session so that we can make the most of our work together. By implementing these little changes, you’ll be ready to drive real progress in both your startup and founder experience.


10 Ways to Prepare for Your Founder-Coaching Sessions

Growth is a gradual but deliberate process. The following 10 ways are carefully curated to foster an environment that maximizes personal growth, insights, and actionable outcomes.


Protect Your Investment

Coaching is an investment—of time, money, and energy. To get the most out of our work together, make sure you create an environment that allows you to focus 100%. Block out uninterrupted time, turn off Slack and notifications, and get yourself into a space where you can be present, both mentally and physically. The more focused you are, the more value you’ll get from each session.


Commit to Growth

Growth doesn’t happen by accident. It requires a conscious commitment. As your coach, I’m here to guide you, but ultimately, the real work happens on your end. Commit to approaching each session with the mindset that this is your opportunity to push yourself, learn, and grow—inside and out.


Define Your One Goal

Clarity drives progress. Before every session, take a moment to define the one most important goal for our conversation. What’s the outcome you’re hoping for? Knowing this will allow both of us to keep the session focused, productive, and aligned with your larger vision.


Speak Freely

My role as your coach is to provide a space for honest, candid conversations. If something’s weighing on you, let’s talk about it. If you’re unsure about something, voice it. The more open and authentic you are, the more powerful our work together will be.


Embrace Growth Opportunities


Growth often comes from the uncomfortable places. If we touch on something that feels challenging or frustrating, that’s usually where the real opportunity lies. I’m here to guide and support you, but sometimes growth means stepping into discomfort, questioning assumptions, or embracing new ways of thinking.


Capture Insights Between Sessions

Our sessions are only one piece of the puzzle. What you do in the time between sessions is just as important. Keep a running log of ideas, wins, challenges, or even questions that pop up during the week. That way, when we meet, we can dig into what really matters and build on the progress you’ve been making.


Strike While the Iron is Hot

Don’t wait until next week to take action. After each session, take a few minutes to review the key takeaways and pick one small, meaningful step you can implement right away. Change happens in small, consistent actions, and striking while the iron is hot keeps that momentum going.


Trust the Process

Not every session will feel like a breakthrough — and that’s okay. Growth is gradual and cumulative. Trust that even on days when it feels like we’re making incremental progress, you’re still moving forward. Stay committed, and over time, you’ll see the results compound.


Remember Your Motivation

It’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day grind of running a business, but don’t lose sight of why you started. Before each session, take a moment to reconnect with your deeper motivation—your “why.” Whether it’s creating freedom, building something meaningful, or making an impact, holding onto that motivation will fuel our work together.


Prepare 15 Minutes Before

Rushing into a session without preparation doesn’t set the right tone for growth. Take 15 minutes before our call to settle in, review your notes, and reflect on what you’d like to focus on. This simple step helps you come into each session centered, calm, and ready to dive deep.

Final Thoughts

Founders thrive on experimentation, so use these 10 preparation ideas as inspirations, not burdens. This is your unique business, built in your unique way.

So play with these ideas, tweak, and discover what ignites your introspection and fuels intentional growth. Remember, growth often starts with a simple "what if?" and unfolds from there.

Growth is a gradual but deliberate process.

I’m here to support you every step of the way, but real transformation happens when you take ownership of your growth. By showing up prepared and committed, you’re creating the space for incredible change in both your business and your personal life.


We’re in this together. To the future!

— Brian